“The new Alliance Innovation Lab opened in Tel Aviv”

Renault and Nissan have announced the inauguration of a new facility for the joint innovation lab in Tel Aviv, Atidim Park, which will enable the Alliance to accelerate a unique model of collaboration with Israeli startups and an exclusive partnership with the Israel Innovation Authority.

Known as the Alliance Innovation Lab Tel Aviv, the facility focuses on sensors for autonomous driving, cyber security, and big data. The Alliance is currently testing and working on over ten joint prototyping projects with Israeli startups at different stages, among them are: Apollo Power, Argus, AutoTalks, BrightWay Vision, Electreon, Enigmatos, IRP systems, Karamba, Moodify, Saferide and Upstream.

The lab's location in Atidim Park enables it to carry out Proof of Concepts (POCs) in ideal conditions and co-develop prototypes in Tel Aviv's smart city experiment zone. With a surface area of 1600 square meters, the lab provides startups with the space to test technologies with real vehicles, as well as modern office space in a live ecosystem.

With Israel as a global innovation hub, particularly with automotive technology, this new lab is a natural next step for us and will allow the Alliance to leverage the strengths of Israel's startup ecosystem," said Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Alliance EVP, Engineering. "Through collaborations with promising local startups with cutting-edge technologies, we aim to develop a variety of key technologies, which will be essential for the future of mobility.

The Alliance delegation included senior stakeholders including: Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Alliance EVP, Engineering, Gaspar Gascon Abellan, Deputy Alliance EVP, Engineering, Takao Asami, Alliance SVP, Research and Advanced Engineering, Christian Noske, Direct Investments Director of Alliance Ventures, Sophie Schmidtlin, Alliance Global Director of Advanced Engineering.