An insightful Fireside Chat was held during The Machinist Super Shopfloor Awards 2018. Dr. Pawan Kumar Goenka, Managing Director, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, Alain Spohr, Managing Director, Alstom India & South Asia, Dr. Andreas Lauermann, President & Managing Director, Volkswagen India and T K Ramesh, Chief Executive Officer, Micromatic Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd.
While discussing the Dynamic Leadership for Dynamic Times, Ramesh said, "As leaders we have to let people change and adapt to new changes."
Seconding the same, Spohr highlighted, "Today's leaders need to keep upgrading their know-how and manufacturing capabilities at the pace at which the industry itself is changing."
While answering the question of the pace that the change is happening, Dr. Goekna mentioned, "India should not slowdown in embracing the change as the India manufacturing industry has long way to go."
Agreeing to Dr. Goenka, Dr. Lauermann mentioned "Technology will play a big role in this change that is taking place in the Indian manufacturing industry."