Hind High Vacuum Co. Pvt. Ltd. (HHV has set up an optics fabrication laboratory at its existing unit at Dabaspet, Bangalore. The aim is to offer a diverse portfolio of capabilities for fabrication of high precision optical components in the visible and Infrared range.
HHV is already a leader in the supply of thin film optical coatings. With the addition of this optics fabrication laboratory, HHV is now geared up to provide end to end solutions for complex optical component requirements, especially for space and defence applications.
HHV through this laboratory, will now manufacture different sizes of lenses, flats, prisms and domes for various applications including night vision optics, Binoculars, Periscopes, Astronomical and Telescopic mirrors etc. Extensive experience exists in- house, in working with materials like Fused Silica, Zerodur, optical glass types imported from Schott, Germany and successfully handling Silicon, Germanium and Zinc Sulphide materials.
"Being vertically integrated allows HHV unparalleled freedom in addressing the inherent challenges of manufacturing optical components from fabrication of the substrates to thin film coating" said Prasanth Sakhamuri, Managing Director of HHV. "We continuously endeavour to improve and expand our manufacturing capabilities, thus establishing our reputation as an industry leader in achieving the most difficult tolerances."
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