Corri-Door represents a major breakthrough for vehicle range and a massive step forward for the development of electric mobility.
With the Corri-Door project, 200 new fast charging points will be rolled out across France by December 2015. They will be located along major motorways operated by the SANEF Group (SANEF, SAPN), one of the original partners, and APRR and Vinci Autoroutes (ASF, COFIROUTE, ESCOTA), as well as in nearby shopping centres.
Positioned at 80 km intervals, Corri-Door charging points make inter-urban driving a reality, thereby removing one of the barriers to the development of electric mobility
The aim of the Corri-Door project is to charge vehicles in the time it takes to have a motorway break: cars can be 80 per cent charged in under 30 minutes. In addition, the Corri-Door intelligent charging points are universal and compatible with all commercially available EVs.
Mobility operator Sodetrel plans to launch its own scheme for the Corri-Door charging service. The Sodetrel Pass will be available from its website sodetrel-mobilite.fr, or from service stations that offer the service. Members of other schemes will also be able to use the Corri-Door network to charge their vehicles, since the charging points are interoperable.
Based on project feedback and studies conducted by ParisTech, Corri-Door will glean information on:
- customer expectations of the charging service,
- economic viability and business models,
- opportunities for deployment of an interconnected and interoperable charging infrastructure network in Europe.
The Corri-Door network means that France is now one of the world's most advanced countries for the deployment of EV fast charging points. The Corri-Door charging points are manufactured in France and run on renewable electricity supplied by EDF.
Who are the Corri-Door partners?
The Corri-Door project is 50 per cent co-financed by the European Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) Programme.
It is being deployed by a consortium of seven partners: EDF S.A., its subsidiary Sodetrel, Renault, Nissan, BMW, Volkswagen, and ParisTech, which is a group of 12 engineering and business schools.