Super Stars win the Black Lady from Filmfare and Super Cars win the Stig from TopGear. So what do Super Shopfloors win? They take home the Machie from The Machinist! That's right. And the night when this happens is just around the corner.
On May 26 at the Hyatt Regency Pune, the celebrities of Indian manufacturing industry will get together for a night to remember. The manufacturing industry is a vital element of the Indian economy and therefore this industry deserves an Awards Platform and Ceremony like The Machinist Super Shopfloor Awards.
To match this grand platform, we have created the Machie trophy. The Machie stands for all the attributes that India's best manufacturing plants possess. It stands for the untiring quest for excellence shown by our manufacturing professionals on the Indian shopfloors.
And on the night of May 26, representatives of the winning Super Shopfloors will converge at a grand setting in Pune. Be there to cheer! And by the way, hope you have already confirmed your seat because we have now closed delegate registration!
And if you are one of the winners then don't forget to share the news with everyone by using #Machie in your messages or posts!