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Current Issue

Public consultation sought for forthcoming capital goods policy

By Swati Sanyal Tarafdar,

Added 22 May 2015

A Joint Task Force will take up issues faced by the industry with a view to evolving a roadmap for the Indian capital goods sector

As the capital goods sector serves, in many ways, as the ‘engine' of India's industrial growth, a strong Capital Goods sector is mission critical to achieving the aspiration of the 'Make in India' campaign." The vision of the proposed policy is to increase the share of capital goods contribution from present 12 per cent to 20 per cent of total manufacturing activity by 2022 and establish India amongst the major capital goods producing nations in the world.

The Base Paper outlines key strategic pillars for the Indian capital goods sector. Key areas of focus are creation of an enabling eco-system, creation and expansion of market, promotion of exports, development of human resources, enhancement of technology & IPR, standards, focus on SMEs and building necessary support services.

Sub-sector specific strategies have also been formulated for giving special direction and focus. These strategies include elements such as access to capital, trade remedial measures, taxation, customs duties, preferential trading arrangements, WTO issues, attracting of FDI, technological upgradation, standards, safety and environmental awareness.
