Bry-Air (Asia) is launching adsorption chillers (range: 35 to 1180 kW) based on an innovative green technology, the first of its kind in India. Bry air plans to manufacture these adsorption chillers in India under license from Power Partners, Inc., USA.
The Bry-Air adsorption chiller provides smart energy cooling using waste heat. It is the first ever product being launched in India to tap the abundant low grade waste heat available in process industries and use it for process cooling or air-conditioning (HVAC).
A lot of low grade process heat (50degree(s)C - 100degree(s)C) generally goes waste, which can now be used for cooling.
This eco-friendly solution also cuts down CO2 emission and reduces energy expenses.
"Adsorption chillers use energy from waste heat, with negligible electricity consumption , to provide chilled water for process cooling and air conditioning, and they do this with 'green' refrigerant (water) and desiccant (silica gel).
We are excited about the opportunities that this technology provides," said Deepak Pahwa, Managing Director, Bry-Air (Asia).
This adsorption chiller has unbeatable advantages like ultra-low electricity consumption, negligible noise and vibration, life expectancy of more than 20 years, negligible maintenance, and so on.
It is ideal for process industries like power plants, food and beverages, chemical manufacturer, etc. and for commercial areas like offices, buildings, hotels, and malls.
Bry-Air, the leader in dehumidification worldwide, is a global solution provider for desiccant dehumidification, product drying, gas phase filtration, high temperature waste heat recovery and plastics auxiliaries.