Tata Headquarters - nursing innovations
From a total of 75 Tata companies from across 18 countries who submitted their projects in Tata InnoVista 2015, 38 Tata companies reached the regional rounds.
The projects at the regional rounds, held in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Jamshedpur, London, Washington DC, and Singapore,were judged by eminent external experts. 78 teams from 26 Tata companies were shortlisted for the final global round that took place in Mumbai on April 23-24, 2015.
In the finals, apart from Promising innovations, awards were also given under three other categories:
The Leading Edge - Proven Technologies
620 projects were received under this category, which recognises and rewards the most innovative technology that is being developed and piloted, but is yet to be commercialised. This year, The Leading Edge awards went to:
Jaguar Land Rover for ‘Polar 3 Ultra Wide Ratio Transmission Demonstrator'
Tata Steel for ‘Graphene from natural source'
Dare To Try
Showcasing a growing culture of risk-taking and perseverance across Tata companies, the Dare To Try category at Tata InnoVista saw 314 projects. The Dare To Try category recognises and rewards most novel, daring and seriously attempted ideas that did not achieve the desired results. The awards went to:
Tata Technologies for ‘Seats with changeable orientation'
Tata Consultancy Services for ‘TCS Insurance Fraud Detection Solution (IFDS)'
Design Honour
Design Honour seeks to promote the focus of Tata companies on design thinking. More than 250 projects were received in this category. The awards went to:
Titan Company for ‘Zyra'
Tata Technologies for ‘Tata IRIS Design Mark'
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