"However some pockets that might be deficient (by a narrow margin) include Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Marathwada, Rayalseema, South Interior Karnataka, North Tamil Nadu and parts of the North East," noted the study titled ‘Monsoon 2015: Agri-business Risk or Opportunity,' conducted by ASSOCHAM and Skymet.
Growing at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 20 per cent, the domestic tractor industry (in volume terms) is likely to cross eight lakh units by the end of this fiscal.
Increasing application of tractors for non-farm operations like infrastructure and construction projects, transportation, haulage and better crop realization through higher minimum support prices (MSPs) clubbed with continued government support through increase in budget outlays for agri sector and increasing farm labour costs due to scarcity are key growth drivers of tractor industry.
Apart from being used in farming and crop cultivation, tractors find application in activities like harvesting, canal irrigation, land reclamation, drawing water, powering agricultural implements and serves as a multi-utility vehicles, this has expanded the domestic tractor market.