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Team SolarMobil launches solar car prototype SERVe

By Swati Sanyal Tarafdar,

Added 23 April 2015

Accelerating solar innovation through industry-academia partnership, Manipal University and Tata Power Solar unveil SERVe, a solar car prototype aimed at commercial usage

Tata Power Solar, India's largest integrated solar player and Manipal Institute of Technology, India's leading technology institute, which is a constituent of Manipal University, unveiled today - SERVe (Solar Electric Road Vehicle), the university's first prototype solar car ready for exploring commercial viability.

Designed by students of SolarMobil team, with an intention of commercial usage, the vehicle is custom-fit with bespoke solar panels designed by Tata Power Solar.

SERVe is the perfect showcase of an industry-academia effort that will help increase the role of solar innovation in green mobility, with an objective of proliferation of eco-vehicles.

This four-wheeled prototype, run solely on solar energy, is designed by the above team of 27 student enthusiasts. Weighing 590 kgs, this two-seater solar car can reach up to 60 kmph with a cruising speed of 30 Kmph.

Designed keeping in mind the mobility and commercial viability, the solar panels have been custom-made to fit the car's curved surface enhancing the aerodynamics and performance of the vehicle.

The highly efficient customised panels weigh just 35kgs and provide upto 960 watts power and weigh less than half of the conventional panels. The car also houses a Direct Solar Drive, powered by solar panels, to maintain the cruising speed and is supplemented by extra power from its high-end energy storage system.

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