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Bayer announces retirement of current President; names new successor

By Guest Author,

Added 29 August 2023

D Narain, President of Bayer South Asia, to Retire; successor Simon-Thorsten Wiebusch to take over multiple key roles.

Bayer has announced the retirement of D Narain, current President of Bayer South Asia; Vice Chairman, Managing Director and CEO of Bayer CropScience Limited (BCSL) and the Global Head of Smallholder Farming for Bayer, by end of November 2023. 

Simon-Thorsten Wiebusch will take over as President, Bayer South Asia and as Vice Chairman, Managing Director & CEO of Bayer CropScience Ltd (BCSL) on November 1st, 2023. Simon will take on these new responsibilities, in addition to his current role as Country Division Head (CDH) of India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (IBSL) cluster in Crop Science. 

Simon started in December 2018 as Chief Operating Officer of IBSL before being appointed the Country Division Head (CDH) at the beginning of 2022. He started his career with Bayer in 1998 from the company's headquarters in Germany and has worked in multiple divisions of the company across various geographies.

Over the coming months, D Narain will work with his successors in India and Germany to facilitate a seamless transition before he retires from Bayer and will continue to collaborate with Bayer to expand its partnerships and thought leadership engagements with stakeholders.