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ET announces the winners of best brands in plastics and polymers for 2022

By Anvita Pillai ,

Added 24 February 2022

Economic Times announces the winners of the Best Brands in Plastics and Polymers for 2022. Over 15 companies took home the award.

Economic Times, in association with knowledge partner BMGI India, has announced the winners of ‘The Economic Times Best Brands in Plastics & Polymers 2022'. Over 15 companies achieved the award for being the best brand this year.

Here's the list of all the companies that took home the award for the Best Brands in Plastics & Polymers:

  1. Blend Colours
  2. Domo Engineering Plastics India Pvt Ltd
  3. DPL Global Links
  4. Exxonmobil Lubricants Pvt. Ltd
  5. Electronica Plastic Machines Limited
  6. Hasco India Pvt. Ltd
  7. Igus India Private Limited
  8. JJ Plastalloy Pvt. Ltd
  9. Lohia Corp Limited
  10. Mamata Machinery Private Limited
  11. Meusburger India Pvt. Ltd
  12. Mundhra Masterbatch
  13. S&T Plastic Machines Pvt Ltd
  14. Servo Packaging Limited
  15. Steer Engineering Pvt. Ltd
  16. Wittmann Battenfeld India Pvt Ltd
  17. Yudo Hot Runner India Private Limited