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Pradip Shah appointed as Chairman of Pfizer Limited Board

By Rahul Kamat,

Added 09 February 2022

The Pfizer Limited Board of Directors appointed Pradip Shah as the Chairman of the Board of Pfizer Limited.

The Pfizer Limited Board of Directors appointed Pradip Shah as the Chairman of the Board of Pfizer Limited. Shah has been on the Board of Pfizer since December 1999 and has been guiding the Board and Management on various financial and strategic decisions. 

Speaking about his appointment, S. Sridhar, Managing Director, Pfizer Limited, said, "Pfizer acknowledges and values Mr Pradip Shah's contributions to the Board for many years as a financial expert, and I look forward to his continued advice and leadership.  With his elevation as the Chairman of the Board, we will work closely with him on matters of strategic importance to Pfizer in India." 

Speaking about his new appointment, Pradip Shah, Chairman of the Board, said, "I am honoured to have been entrusted this privilege and responsibility. Over the years, Pfizer Limited has proven to be a company that is committed to highest standards of corporate governance, accountability and transparency. I look forward to contributing to Pfizer's vision for the future, with the support of my fellow Board members.