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IMTEX Combines Cutting and Forming into 2022 Event

By kruti bharadva,

Added 19 April 2021

IMTEX & IMTEX Forming will be held in 2022

Taking into account the current level of infection and the concerns associated, IMTEX dates have been rescheduled from June 2021 to January 2022. IMTMA has re-evaluated the situation in consultation with members, associations and partners and decided that IMTEX will now be held along with IMTEX FORMING. The combined exhibition will now be held from January 20 - 26, 2022 at BIEC, Bangalore.

The priority is the health of IMTEX exhibitors, visitors and service providers and providing them with planning certainty. Especially, since IMTEX is one of the oldest machine tool and manufacturing exhibition in the world and attracts exhibitors and visitors from across the globe.

IMTEX & IMTEX FORMING in January 2022 will be conducted in a safe and secured environment following all the safety protocols.