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Bosch to recruit 12,000 trained graduates worldwide

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 25 March 2015

To hire 3,200 in India; the highest number of recruits

In 2015, Bosch plans to recruit 12,000 trained graduates worldwide. In addition to a number of prospects for mechanical and electrical engineers, the chances for graduates with an IT background are especially favorable.

"We are increasing the number associates hired for software design and development. As connectivity expands in every business sector, from Mobility Solutions to Industrial Technology, the importance of software does too," says Christoph Kübel, member of the board of management and director of industrial relations at Robert Bosch GmbH.

The number of associates needed for software design and development will continue to rise in the future. The countries with the greatest need for recruiting trained graduates are India, which is planning some 3,200 new hires; China, which is planning 2,600 new hires; and Germany, whose plans include 1,200 new hires.

Three out of every four new associates will be in the field of engineering. The prospects are also favorable for people just starting their professional careers. Almost every third position is open to potential associates with no previous professional experience.

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