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Schemes to bring back Indian scientists working abroad

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 22 September 2020

Ministry of Science & Technology to provide attractive avenues and opportunities for them to work in Indian Institutes and Universities

The Ministry of Science & Technology has formulated following schemes to provide attractive avenues and opportunities to Indian researchers who are residing in foreign countries to work in Indian Institutes and Universities.

Visiting Advanced Joint Research (VAJRA) Faculty Scheme: This Scheme is to bring overseas scientists and academicians including Non-resident Indians (NRI) and Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) to India to work in public funded Institutions and Universities for a specific period of time. The scheme offers adjunct / visiting faculty assignments to overseas scientists including Indian researchers to undertake high quality collaborative research in cutting edge areas of science and technology with one or more Indian collaborators.

Ramanujan Fellowship: This Fellowship provides attractive avenues and opportunities to Indian researchers of high calibre, who are residing abroad, to work in Indian Institutes/Universities in all areas of Science, Engineering and Medicine. It is directed to scientists and engineers below the age of 40 years, who want to return to India from abroad.

Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship: The programme is to encourage scientists (Indian Nationals) working outside the country, who would like to return to the home country to pursue their research interests in Life Sciences, Modern Biology, Biotechnology, and other related areas.

Biomedical Research Career Programme (BRCP): This program provides opportunity to early, intermediate and senior level researchers to establish their research & academic career in Basic biomedical or Clinical & Public Health in India. These fellowships are open to all eligible researchers who wish to relocate or continue to work in India.

Scientists/ Technologists of Indian Origin (STIO) in Indian research Laboratory: There is a provision to appoint Scientists/ Technologists of Indian Origin (STIO) on a contractual basis at Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) laboratories to nurture a research field in their area of expertise.

Senior Research Associateship (SRA) (Scientist's Pool Scheme): This scheme is primarily meant to provide temporary placement to highly qualified Indian scientists, engineers, technologists, and medical personnel returning from abroad, who are not holding any employment in India. The Senior Research Associateship is not a regular appointment, but is a temporary facility to enable the Associate to do research/teaching in India while looking for a regular position.

Ministry of Science and Technology does not keep track or estimates the number of Indian scientists, who leave India to work in other countries. However, to avoid brain drain Ministry of Science and Technology is promoting global level of research through implementation of various competitive schemes / programmes such as Core Research Grant, Research fellowships such as JC Bose and Swarnajayanti fellowship etc. There are some special schemes for young scientists e.g. Start-up Research Grant, National Postdoctoral Fellowship etc. for making them independent and motivate them to remain in the country. Towards gaining global competitiveness Ministry of Science is also connecting Indian Research with Global research through International bilateral and multilateral S & T cooperation with about 80 countries and various multilateral organizations/agencies.