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DICV delivers first bus chassis from India

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 12 February 2015

Begins to supply chassis from Oragadam to Egypt.

Construction of bus plant progressing in Oragadam
Meanwhile, construction of the DICV bus plant is continuing at a rapid pace. Daimler is investing around €50 million in the project launched in March 2014. The company expects to begin producing Mercedes-Benz and BharatBenz buses at the plant at the end of the second quarter.

Spread across an area of 113,000 square meters, the plant is being built within the existing premises of DICV. The plant will have an installed capacity of 1,500 vehicles per year in the initial phase, and can be expanded to 4,000 units subsequently.

Once construction is completed, the facility in Oragadam will be the first Daimler plant worldwide to produce trucks, buses, and engines for a total of three brands.