PricewaterhouseCoopers' (PwC) India has recently launched ‘Future of India: The Winning Leap' report, which identifies non-linear solutions that can take manufacturing to the next level to help build India's economy, over the next two decades.
In India, value-added manufacturing stands at 12% of GDP today. The report shows that value-added manufacturing can grow to 20% by 2024 and to greater than 25% in 2034 if India can step up its manufacturing competitiveness.
The manufacturing sector will play a key role in India's development, as the nation grows more urban and industrialised, by providing jobs to a broad spectrum of workers and spurring income growth across different segments of the population.
The research focused on share of value-added manufacturing as a percentage of GDP. This differs from percentage of GDP that is derived from manufacturing.
Value-added manufacturing denotes the percentage of value addition achieved in manufacturing and indicates the level of sophistication in manufacturing processes. Percentage of GDP from manufacturing denotes the proportion of manufacturing in the overall economy.
In order to achieve the desired outcome, the analysis recognises Winning Leap solutions.
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