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Lars Dithmer is MD Alfa Laval India Limited

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 03 February 2015

Was the Chief Operating Officer at Alfa Laval India since May 2014.

Lars Dithmer has been appointed as Managing Director, Alfa Laval India Limited effective January 2015. He was the Chief Operating Officer at Alfa Laval India since May 2014.

Lars, with over 27 years experience was based in China and Hong Kong in key senior roles within the Alfa Laval Group for nine years before relocating to India. He was Head of Corporate Development, Asia between 2011 and 2014.

A Graduate in Mechanical Engineering from the Danish Technical University by qualification, Lars has in-depth experience spanning Engineering (Technical), Sales and Marketing and Corporate Development during his career in Europe and Asia Pacific region.

Alfa Laval has been present in India since 1937. The Indian company holds a unique Group Manufacturing Unit status for supplying Centrifugal Separators, Decanters and Flow equipment for the global market through sales companies across the globe.

The company's products and systems are widely used in a variety of applications in Indian industries like Food Processing, Inorganic, Marine, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas, Energy, Effluent Handling, Steel & Metal, Sugar, Petrochemical, Pulp & Paper, Distillery, Starch, Edible oil Processing and Brewery.

Alfa Laval India Limited holds ISO 9001:2008 Certification from LRQA of UK for its entire manufacturing operations and after sales services. With deep knowledge of processes, experience and expertise in handling projects, in-house manufacturing of a wide range of equipment have given a cutting edge advantage to the company to offer complete projects in diverse like vegetable oil refineries, breweries,  ethanol production and food processing.