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Current Issue

TKM temporarily halts production at its Bidadi Plant

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 23 March 2020

Until further government notice

Toyota Kirloskar Motor makes decisions based on the safety and security of our employees, stakeholders and in consideration of those currently dealing with COVID-19 outbreak. Under the guidance and support of the relevant national and local authorities, TKM has been taking immediate and comprehensive actions necessary to prevent any spread and is also taking adequate internal precautions based on our own guidelines and standards of care.

Considering the recent developments on the COVID-19 outbreak in the country, TKM has taken certain additional measures. In view of the orders pronounced by the Government of Karnataka for all labour intensive industries to work at 50% of their strength on alternate days. Keeping the safety of employees as the top priority, TKM has voluntarily decided to temporarily halt production in its plant in Bidadi, Karnataka till further announcement.

TKM has also expanded ‘Work From Home' for all its employees in its Regional SBUs (Strategic Business Units) in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata & Bangalore. These steps have been initiated keeping in mind the safety & well-being of our employees. During these difficult times TKM will also work towards minimizing any inconvenience being caused to its valued customers. Further, we will continue to monitor the situation and take suitable decisions accordingly.