Tech Mahindra has announced that it has been recognised as a global leader on climate change for four years in a row. The leading provider of digital transformation consulting and business reengineering services and solutions, is one of the only four Indian companies to secure a position in the Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) Global Supplier A List in 2019 for engaging with its suppliers on climate change.
The company has been recognised for its actions and strategies to reduce emissions and manage climate risks in its supply chain in the past reporting year, by Climate Disclosure Project (CDP), an international non-government organisation (NGO) that drives sustainable economies.
Sandeep Chandna, Chief Sustainability Officer and Chief Customer Officer, Tech Mahindra said, "As part of our TechMNxt charter, we have incorporated reduction of emissions as a key aspect to every function's mandate and our overall business strategy."
Over 4,800 companies in total were assessed by CDP and given a Supplier Engagement Rating, based on answers to selected questions about governance, targets, scope three emissions, and value chain engagement of their response to the CDP 2019 climate change questionnaire and their overall CDP climate change score. Tech Mahindra is among the top 3 percent of organisations assessed by CDP, one of the 159 companies featured on the leaderboard this year.
Dexter Galvin, Director of Corporates and Supply Chains at CDP, said, "The supply chain emissions are on average 5.5 times as high as a company's operational emissions. If we are to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and decarbonise the economy, other companies learning from these leaders and engaging their suppliers, is going to be vital".