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Continental acquires Thermoplastic Specialist Merlett Group

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 14 November 2019

Expands technological expertise and deepens specialist knowledge relating to design, processing and handling of thermoplastics for industrial hoses

Continental has successfully completed its purchase of the thermoplastic specialist Merlett Group, Italy. This follows the unconditional approval by the relevant antitrust authorities. The agreement between the two companies had been signed on July 1, 2019. The acquisition will strengthen Continental's materials expertise beyond rubber and deepen its specialist knowledge about the design, processing and handling of thermoplastics for industrial hose solutions. This is especially important in offering an even more diversified product portfolio to our customers. "Thermoplastic know-how is essential in our transformation from a pure product supplier to a holistic supplier of systems and solutions in the field of industrial hoses. The acquisition of Merlett is a major step forward for Continental because more diversification in products, markets and industries opens up new market opportunities," explained Andreas Gerstenberger, head of Continental's industrial fluid solution business.