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Nuberg EPC to deliver Chlor-Alkali Plant in Morocco

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 09 July 2019

The new production line will be established at Jorf Lasfar Parc Industrial Medz in El-Jadida

Nuberg EPC has been selected by SCE Chemicals, Morocco as the EPC lump sum contractor to establish a new Chlor-Alkali plant. The plant will produce caustic soda, hydrochloric acid and sodium hypochlorite chlorine.

The new production line will be established at Jorf Lasfar Parc Industrial Medz in El-Jadida, Morocco and is due for completion in late 2020. The project was penned down at SCE Chemicals office in Casablanca, Morocco, where AK Tyagi, Chairman and Managing Director (CMD), Nuberg, Moutawakkil Abdelkebir, General Manager, SCE and dignitaries from both companies were present.

SCE is an industrial company operating in the fields of chemistry and agriculture. It holds considerable resources for producing and marketing its products such as sulfonic acid, sodium silicate, SLES, Aluminium sulfate and others. The specialized areas of SCE are the detergent and cosmetics, the water treatment and the timber industry. Chlorine and caustic soda are important raw materials for pharmaceutical products.

Chlorine derivatives produced from the plant will be used for disinfection and water treatment industrial processes. The plant will have the most advanced bipolar membrane cell technology licensed from UK based Inovyn.