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Alstom books €12.1 billion of orders in 2018-19

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 08 May 2019

Strong operational performance with sales at €8.1 billion

Between April 1, 2018 and March 31, 2019, Alstom booked €12.1 billion of orders. Over the same period, sales reached €8.1 billion, corresponding to growth of 10% (11% organically). The adjusted EBIT increased to €570 million, 44% above last year, leading to an adjusted EBIT margin of 7.1%. Net income (Group share) amounted to €681 million, compared to €365 million the previous year, including exceptional net income from discontinued operations of €248 million.

Alstom benefits from a very strong balance sheet. During fiscal year 2018/19, free cash flow amounted to €153 million. Net cash, including the sales of interests in the three Energy Joint Ventures to General Electric, amounted to €2,325 million on March 31, 2019.

"Alstom benefited from an exceptional commercial momentum this year with a record level of order intake at €12 billion, including two major contracts with the renewal of the very high - speed train fleet in France and the metro system project for Montreal. The very strong sales growth and the further margin enhancement confirm the success of our 2020 strategy , which is now completed.", said Henri Poupart-Lafarge, Alstom Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.