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Index of Industrial Production for Jan 2019 up by 1.7%

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 13 March 2019

The cumulative growth for the period April-January 2018-19 over the corresponding period of the previous year stands at 4.4 percent.

In terms of industries, eleven out of the twenty three industry groups (as per 2-digit NIC-2008) in the manufacturing sector have shown positive growth during the month of January 2019

The Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with base 2011-12 for the month of January 2019 stands at 134.5, which is 1.7 percent higher as compared to the level in the month of January 2018. The cumulative growth for the period April-January 2018-19 over the corresponding period of the previous year stands at 4.4 percent.

The Indices of Industrial Production for the Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity sectors for the month of January 2019 stand at 119.2, 135.6 and 150.7 respectively, with the corresponding growth rates of 3.9 percent, 1.3 percent and 0.8 percent as compared to January 2018 (Statement I). The cumulative growth in these three sectors during April-January 2018-19 over the corresponding period of 2017-18 has been 3.2 percent, 4.4 percent and 5.9 percent respectively.

In terms of industries, eleven out of the twenty three industry groups (as per 2-digit NIC-2008) in the manufacturing sector have shown positive growth during the month of January 2019 as compared to the corresponding month of the previous year (Statement II). The industry group ‘Manufacture of food products' has shown the highest positive growth of 17.0 percent followed by 16.4 percent in ‘Manufacture of wearing apparel' and 10.4 percent in ‘Printing and reproduction of recorded media'. On the other hand, the industry group ‘Manufacture of furniture' has shown the highest negative growth of (-) 12.0 percent followed by (-) 9.0 percent in ‘Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment' and (-) 6.4 in ‘Manufacture of paper and paper products'.

As per Use-based classification, the growth rates in January 2019 over January 2018 are 1.4 percent in Primary goods, (-) 3.2 percent in Capital goods, (-) 3.0 percent in Intermediate goods and 7.9 percent in Infrastructure/ Construction Goods (Statement III).  The Consumer durables and Consumer non-durables have recorded growth of 1.8 percent and 3.8 percent respectively.

Along with the Quick Estimates of IIP for the month of January 2019, the indices for December 2018 have undergone the first revision and those for October 2018 have undergone the final revision in the light of the updated data received from the source agencies.

Release of the Index for February 2019 will be on Friday, 12April 2019.