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Rajoo Engineers and Kohli Industries join hands

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 02 January 2019

To change the market dynamics of extrusion coating and lamination machines

Rajoo Engineers and Kohli Industries have joined hands to create a formidable alliance to build and maintain one of the most advanced and versatile Extrusion Coating and Lamination machines.

The flexible packaging industry's demands were clear; their needs of Extrusion Coating and Lamination Machines were growing and growing fast. They were looking beyond the available solutions at reasonable price points. The best-in-class extrusion and proven web solutions needed to integrate to provide a system that would meet industry's needs of today and be versatile enough to be adapted for future requirements. In an Extrusion Coating and Laminating machine (ECL in short) a water-based lacquer is coated on a primary substrate through the gravure process followed by a deposit of PE / PP based molten polymer from a T-Die and then combined with yet another substrate to form a composite laminate. This technology is rapidly replacing many a solvent-based and solvent less laminating applications. Rajoo Engineers and Kohli Industries comprehended this industry need, and in the best interest of the industry, joined hands to create a formidable alliance to build and maintain one of the most advanced and versatile Extrusion Coating and Lamination machines.

As good a product, it needs to reach out to the converters of the flexible packaging industry and there comes in Multigraph Machinery Co. Ltd. (promoted by owners of Manugraph - world's renowned offset machine producer) to promote the sales of this first-of its kind alliance product on a PAN India basis. "We are excited at this alliance as each one of us would bring in key technology and skill sets for this business to succeed; working to our strengths is the need-of-the hour.

(Continued on the next page)