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To expand capacity of 12,000 industrial training institutes: Labour Minister

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 12 November 2014

Collaboration with Australia to enable 25% of total employable international workforce from India.

Satish Jamdar, Chairman, CII-AA Sub Committee and MD, Blue Star Ltd reiterated the support and commitment of CII for the India-Australia Skills initiative. This is in continuation with the initial efforts where CII took a skills business delegation to Australia in year 2012.

He mentioned that the 7 Sector Skills Councils promoted by CII have shown keenness to learn and adapt best practices from Australian Industry Skills Council. CII also looks forward to working with Australian training partners to collaborate in setting up of training centres in India.

Alok Kumar, I.A.S, Director General of Employment &Training & Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, and Government of India speaking about the department mentioned that DGET, Ministry for Labour and Employment handles Vocational, Apprenticeship and Modular Employable Schemes (MES) along with public employment service in India.

The department has a National Council for Vocational Training chaired by Minister for Labour and Employment with participation of central and state governments and industry which is a largest tripartite for policy frame work development. He mentioned about departments flagship programme of craftsman training scheme for trade level vocational training with network of 12000 industrial training institutes with sitting capacity of 1.6 million, apprenticeship programme has a capacity of 0.4 million and MES programme 1.1 Million.

He added that numbers are further expanding with focus on training for several services but core strength is training for manufacturing. The department has setup 11 mentor councils to look over the courses and realign them with industry needs as the focus is on quality and relevance which is the key going forward with expansion. Attracting youth to vocation training is big task for which the employment exchange is being revamped to career counselling canters to address the needs of the students. With partnership with Australia hope our complementary strength and needs comes handy, he added.

Dilip Chenoy, CEO & Managing Director, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) & Co-Chair, AIEC Skills Working Group speaking at the summit mentioned that from the summit the takeaways are expected by collaboration demonstrated in three areas like Greater Australian Presence in the skills space in India, Intense cooperation and collaboration between standard and setting originations to assure people trained in India and Australia are amongst the best and through cooperation and collaboration which improve ability to win medals at World Skills Competition. A testimony to this is the 11 MoUs signed between Australian and Indian partners in Skills.

The conference was in continuation to the CII's 6th Global Summit on Skill Development and saw speakers and delegates from Japan, South Korea, Canada, Germany, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Australia and many more.