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India to generate 100GW solar energy by 2022

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 06 September 2018

India to increase share of carbon free energy in the energy mix

The image is for representative purpose only

The Minister stated that the idea of solar alliance was conceived by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, in 2015 as a treaty based international intergovernmental organization. ISA stands for co-operation among 121 solar rich countries lying fully or partially between the tropics in order to promote massive deployment of solar energy and make solar energy affordable.

He said ISA provides an opportunity to all countries to bring prosperity, energy security and sustainable development to their peoples. He said that once the generation of solar energy goes up, its prices will come down. Suresh Prabhu stressed on joint efforts required to reduce the cost of finance and technology for massive production of solar energy. He said many firms of Australia and Japan are keen to invest in India in solar energy sector. The Minister emphasized on the need for sending market signals so that more funds are invested in R&D in solar energy. India has set a target to generate100 GW solar energy by 2022 for increasing share of carbon free energy in the energy mix.