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Rajoo Engineers launches Innovation Centre

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 18 July 2018

A forward-looking customer-centric approach

Rajoo Engineers Ltd has launched its much-awaited, state-of-the-art innovation centre earlier this year. This Rajoo Innovation Centre (RIC) has been conceived mainly to assist the industry in multiple ways. One, it provides access to newer technologies incubated inside the centre. Two, it offers additional resource to those who may have exhausted their existing capacities or are unable to meet challenging delivery timelines or do not have the necessary equipment as yet. Three, it offers customers an opportunity to conduct trials and develop newer products. Four, its steps up as a skill development centre.

The centre promises to be a boon for raw material manufacturers as well. A variety of polymers can be tested to ascertain if they meet industry demand in a close to real-life operational environment or to develop new film structures.

In order to further its already strong application know-how, the RIC is intended to help RAJOO "Know Its Customer's Customers (KYCC)", and accordingly develop plastic extrusion solutions to match their needs down to a ‘T'.

Machines, applications and more; with RIC, RAJOO stands to benefit in terms of its own developmental initiatives and work towards making its machines future-ready. Positioned as ‘centre` of excellence for blown film and sheet extrusion', the RIC is a true showcase of modern technologies.

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