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Maruti Suzuki's DOJO way of skill training

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 20 June 2018

Centre serves as a workshop that helps to skill, acclimatize and prepare team members before they join work at manufacturing plants

Maruti Suzuki has institutionalised the DOJO Centre facilities. The Company helps with the concept, while the partners make the investment towards setting up of the skill training and enhancement facility. Ideally, a new worker is trained for upto 2-weeks before he joins the shop floor. An assessment test is conducted at the end of the training, and only qualified workers are sent to the shop floor.

Re-skilling of existing workforce is also undertaken at DOJO Centres to refresh manufacturing concepts and educate them about technological advancements. The DOJO centre also provides both theory and practical lessons in basic concepts of manufacturing apart from a brief overview of the company. Knowledge about the company helps the worker stay connected with the company. The main thrust of DOJO training remains on on-job training, while inculcating a safety culture.