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Ratnaveer Precision Engineering bets on the growing demand for high-margin specialised fasteners

By Staff Writer,

Added 12 June 2024

These fasteners are high-strength steel made with advanced metallurgy for holding the rails of the bullet trains, which are expected to run at over 320 km/hour. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 1.08 lakh crore.

Ratnaveer Precision Engineering Ltd, a leading provider of high-precision engineering solutions, is betting on the growing demand for high-margin specialised fasteners used in pillars supporting bullet train tracks. The company has already supplied 3 kg U-bolts, a critical piece of equipment, for the Ahmedabad-Mumbai Bullet Train project.

Since these are high-margin speciality products, it would help shore up the company's profitability moving forward.

The pillars are currently under construction. These fasteners are high-strength steel made with advanced metallurgy for holding the rails of the bullet trains, which are expected to run at over 320 km/hour. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 1.08 lakh crore.

According to Vijay Sanghavi, Managing Director, Ratnaveer Precision, the government's proposed plan to augment the bullet train infrastructure in the north, south and eastern parts of the country is likely to augur well for the company, which is into manufacturing of precision products customised to meet the specifications of high-speed bullet trains.

"The government plans to initiate feasibility studies for bullet train corridors in North, South and East India. We expect the strengthening of bullet train infrastructure soon. The U-bolts have been designed to meet project specifications, keeping the safety angle our top priority. The U-bolts are required to function smoothly under high speed, vibrations and heat generated due to the movement of such trains, and we have paid special attention to this while designing our products," Sanghavi said.

The much-anticipated Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet train service is scheduled to commence by July 2026. Meanwhile, another bullet train project is set to be built on the Ahmedabad-Delhi route. 

"Our company is a major player in the washers and fasteners business, and we have over 2,500 products. Our company has already provided fasteners to certain packages for the ongoing Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet train projects—more such bullet train projects are in the pipeline. We are looking at repeat orders," said Ratnaveer Precision's MD.

"The demand for stainless steel products, particularly precision products, is steadily on the rise in the domestic market, particularly for bullet trains, railways, long transportation, defence and aerospace industry. We expect our order book to remain strong moving forward and margins to improve to close to eight-nine per cent in the next two-to-three years backed by high-margin value-added products," he added.