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TPSC INDIA expands water turbines assembly line

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 02 May 2018

for Hydroelectric Power Projects

TPSC (India) Pvt Ltd [TPSC(I)], a Toshiba Group Company today announced that it will expand its assembly plant of water turbines for small and medium sized hydroelectric power project.

Currently, the TPSC(I) plant in Delhi-NCR (Greater NOIDA, UP) assembles water turbines for small and medium sized hydroelectric power facilities ranging between 1 MW to 15 MW capacity. The new assembly line will allow TPSC(I) to increase existing production capacity and also assemble water turbines that are larger in weight and size. The Company expects to complete the expansion work by March 2019.

TPSC(I) has already received orders for 11 Projects comprising of 22 Turbines in India and Nepal. With the global environmental awareness, the market is expanding with the attention and importance of small hydroelectric power generation as a renewable energy without dams. Recently, the orders and inquiries of small and medium sized water turbines are on the rise in India and neighboring countries including Nepal. The new assembly line will help TPSC(I) to fulfill this demand.

TPSC(I) aims to maintain highest quality and efficiency of assembly work in India, and neighboring countries including Southeast Asia region with abundant water resources. TPSC(I) is aiming to win more number of orders of small hydroelectric power generation equipment.