The Finance Minister announced that the Department of Commerce will be developing a National Logistics Portal as a single window online market place to link all stakeholders.
Jaitely stated that the Government is transforming method of disposal of its business by introduction of e-office and other e-governance initiatives in central Ministries and Departments. A web-based Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS), is being administered by Controller General of Accounts, for budgeting, accounting, expenditure and cash management of the Government.
A Central Public Procurement Portal provides a single point access for all information on procurement. Around 3.5 lakh contractors and vendors are registered on this platform. In November, 2017 alone, electronic bids for over one lakh tenders valued at around two lakh forty thousand crore were invited through this portal.
The Government E-Marketplace (GeM) facilitates procurement at the right price, in right quality and quantity in a transparent and efficient manner. The platform has seventy eight thousand buyers, fifty thousand sellers, three lakh seventy five thousand products and twelve services. Besides facilitating transaction of the value of Rs.3000 crore in about two lakh transactions, it could achieve savings of more than 25% over the base price.
For easier access, links to all Detailed Demand for Grants will be provided at india.gov.in. The Government will also consider feasibility of providing disclosed fiscal information in a machine readable form.