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End to end solutions to be showcased at SIS India

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 08 December 2017

Siemens, Bosch, Cisco, P+F and Pilz on board for the launch of Smart Industry Solutions India featuring 'Future Factory'

The manufacturing sector in India is emerging as a powerhouse sector since the dawn of Industry 4.0. Government initiatives like "Make in India", "Smart Cities Mission" and "Digital India" are playing catalyst in the development of this sector, leading India and its manufacturers through a revolutionary change in the way they function. India's manufacturing sector has the potential to touch USD 1 trillion (INR 65,000 crore) by 2025*. To sustain this kind of progress India needs combined efforts from all the industries, the government and use of best in class set-ups by manufacturers. Driven by this objective, the organisers have launched a dedicated pavilion on Smart Manufacturing - Future Factory at the Smart Industry Solutions India (SIS India) to be scheduled from 13 - 15 December 2017 at Bombay Convention and Exhibition Centre, Mumbai.

SIS India is a one stop platform to access end to end manufacturing solutions exhibited by technology-leading companies. This prime business trade fair will be a focused solution providing platform to address the needs of "Future Factory". Agreeing to the sentiment,  Dattatreya Gaur, Vice President, Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Private Limited said: "Industry 4.0/Smart Manufacturing is a "must adopt" practice for Indian manufacturing industry to compete in the global digital economy. Future Factory will present colleagues in the industry with a one-stop shop to learn, network and acquire partners in implementing future ready manufacturing practices. Together with the organisers, we will ensure that each edition of the event is packed with innovation, live learning exhibits and disruptive content."

SIS India will showcase technologies for a wide spectrum of industries including automotive, oil and gas, chemicals, food & beverage processing, pharma, packaging, machine tools, warehousing, electrical & electronics and plastic and rubber.

For its launch edition in Mumbai, the exhibition has confirmed a line-up of sector experts like Siemens Ltd, BCIL, Pepperl n Fuchs Pvt Ltd, Pilz India Pvt Ltd, Bettinelli Automation Components Pvt Ltd and Murrelektronik Pvt Ltd who are on board along with other leading companies like, Micon Automation Systems Pvt Ltd, S.I Systems, Shihlin Electric, Dynotech Instruments Pvt Ltd, Imaginon Tech Ventures Pvt Ltd, Renishaw Metrology, Samwon Tech Co Ltd, Siboni SRL, Trimos India Pvt Ltd, Vero India Software Pvt Ltd and Wika Instruments India Pvt Ltd. Bosch, Oracle and Cisco are also on the advisory board of this exhibition on "Future Factory" pavilion and will be bringing their latest advancements to the fair.

Lending his support as an esteemed advisory member, Mr Abhimanyu Prabhavalkar, Vice President IoT Cloud Service Platform and IoT Applications Cloud product development, Oracle, shared: "I am very pleased to be a part of the Future Factory pavilion at the Smart Industry Solutions Advisory Board. We see Smart Industry Solutions India as a critical learning and networking platform for the manufacturing industry. I look forward to working with the organisers to support them in developing this much needed platform in India." 

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