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Alstom to install its latest generation ERTMS technology

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 29 November 2017

In Adif’s laboratory trains

Alstom has been awarded a project by the Spanish railway infrastructure manager Adif to equip three auscultation trains with its latest ERTMS technology solution Atlas. This upgrade of the on-board signalling systems on ADIF's monitoring trains will contribute to increase its services portfolio and improve performance. With this new on board solution, Adif laboratory trains will be fully aligned with the new European technical requirements for safety and interoperability.

The new on-board equipment supplied by Alstom incorporates the latest version (baseline 3) of ETCS Level 2 technology in these rolling laboratories for the validation of new and on-going trackside ERTMS projects and for routine inspections along the entire Spanish ERTMS-equipped rail network. Adif's laboratory trains monitor the Spanish high-speed network to guarantee quality and safety, ranging from aerodynamic behaviour in tunnels to infrastructure (catenary and track), mobile communications and signalling systems.