SAIL is looking forward to offer an array of differentiated and quality products in market. Pic for representation only
At DSP, MSM is producing Parallel Flange Beams, Joists, Channels and Angles, which are primarily used by infrastructure and construction segments and considering the pick-up in infrastructure projects, metro connectivity, accelerated construction activities, Shri Singh said "These products are all expected to translate into increased demand for such value added Structurals. The Company is also tapping world market for exporting its products where there is a demand for these."
DSP is a plant designed to produce 7.5 lakh tonnes of Semis, where SAIL-DSP in association with R&D and Centre for Engineering & Technology (CET) will tap the huge market for special grade semis by targeting to produce 90% semis as special steel grades and tie up for value added products of special steel. The semis would also explore possibilities in transmission line towers (TLT) and forging areas, he said.
Emphasizing the importance of Research & Development and improving Project Designing, he said that, RDCIS and Centre for Engineering & Technology would contribute more in developing value-added products for the Plant.