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Hyperloop One rebranded as Virgin Hyperloop One

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 13 October 2017

Virgin Group and Hyperloop One develop strategic partnership to form Virgin Hyperloop One

This global strategic partnership will focus on passenger and mixed-use cargo service in addition to the creation of a new passenger division. Depending on the market, other brands could be used globally as well. Following the successful test at its Nevada test track "DevLoop" this past summer, Hyperloop One continues to see a growing demand from governments and the private sector around the world with projects underway in the UAE, U.S., Canada, Finland, the Netherlands and India.

With Hyperloop One, passengers and cargo are loaded into a pod, and accelerate gradually via electric propulsion through a low-pressure tube. The pod quickly lifts above the track using magnetic levitation and glides at airline speeds for long distances due to ultra-low aerodynamic drag. Hyperloop One's radically efficient and clean, all-electric technology is aligned with the Virgin Group's purpose-driven mission to deliver more sustainable modes of transportation.

"We've focused on developing the technology required to make Hyperloop a reality and demonstrated that it works," said Josh Giegel, co-founder and President of Engineering of Hyperloop One. "The combination of our proven technology and Virgin's expertise in transportation, operations, safety and passenger experience will accelerate the commercialization phase of our company's development. Together with Virgin, we will not only transform how we live, we will rethink how it feels to travel by creating a passenger experience that people will enjoy and look forward to riding. Our goal is to make travel fun again."