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Henkel opens its Composite Lab in Japan

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 21 July 2017

Focused on automotive industry to help OEMs & Tier suppliers make vehicles quieter, lighter and more durable

Increasing global development activity
Last year, Henkel also opened a Composite Lab in Europe - in Heidelberg, Germany. The new test center in Asia reflects Henkel's commitment to deliver high levels of service, quality, service and know-how close to its customers around the world.

Frank Kerstan, Global Program Manager Automotive Composites, says: "We are very proud to have this new state-of-the-art test center in Asia. As vehicle manufacturers worldwide look to reduce weight in cars and trucks to help boost fuel economy and reduce emissions, they are having to set aside the mindset that has dictated traditional material and process choices, and look at new and emerging technologies.

"Both our Composite Labs offer OEMs and Tier-One suppliers the opportunity to work together with our experts to learn first-hand what the options and possibilities may be for using advanced composite materials with short production cycle times in their vehicles.

Henkel strives to create a competitive advantage for its partners along the value chain. We continue to work closely with our customers to create cost-effective integrated solutions that are suitable for high volume production. Henkel products make vehicles quieter, lighter and more durable, while providing comfort, strength and safety."