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Innovative business models on renewable energy ready to hit the Indian market

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 03 September 2014

Solutions designed by WeSchool students in collaboration with Swedish Cleantech companies.

About India Sweden Innovations' Accelerator (ISIA)
ISIA focuses on the business of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The Accelerator is backed by the Swedish Energy Agency. Business Sweden and the CII - Green Business Centre are programme partners, while Weschool and Mälardalen University (MDH), Sweden are the academic partners.

The India-Sweden Innovations Accelerator (ISIA) programme started at WeSchool with ‘An Inspirational symposium for Energy Innovations' in April 2014 where experts opened a dialogue for the need of Innovation in renewable energy sector in India. This followed by the B2B meeting  ‘Initiating India-Swedish collaborations for Innovative energy solutions' where Swedish as well as Indian corporates with interests in Green Energy/Alternate Energy came together to form teams with young MBA students from WeSchool and iFEEL. These 11 teams undertook an extensive study for 4 months on various aspects that could enable them to build models for Swedish Innovative Companies to create business models that could facilitate technology transfer and market entrance in India for.