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BHEL and Indian Railways tie-up

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 11 April 2017

For rooftop SPV systems

BHEL has bagged one more major order of 2 MWp Roof Top SPV Systems to be installed  at  Diesel  loco  Modernisation  Works  (DMW),  Patiala  and  the  contract agreement was signed between BHEL & IROAF (Indian Railways Organisation for Alternate Fuels) in the presence of Amitabh Mathur, Director (IS &P), BHEL and Ravinder Gupta CAO (IROAF).

The 2 MWp SPV RTS is to be installed within 9 months. The contract envisages Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of grid connected roof top solar photo voltaic power plant with all the electrical and associated equipment including civil  works  and  also  includes  5  years'  operation  &  maintenance. It has enhanced BHEL's Roof Top SPV project portfolio to 10 MW.