Another branch of this pipeline has commenced supply of natural gas to Japanese two-wheeler giant HMSI (Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India) at its fourth plant in India at Vithalapur, 14 km from Ahmedabad city for manufacturing of scooters at the 1.2 million two-wheelers per annum capacity plant.
The landmark project of the company and for Becharaji Gujarat as it will supply natural gas to the automobile manufacturers, and shall help in establish this region as a hub for the automobile industry.
What makes this project truly remarkable is the speed of execution in these times where most projects are delayed due to land acquisition issues. The entire work of the pipeline project including engineering, procurement of all items, construction, testing, commissioning was completed in a span of 10 months. A bid boost to the auto industry and auto ancillary business in Gujarat.
The timely completion of projects such as these shall cement the status of Bechraji, once a backward area, to a world class auto-hub.