With a view to highlight the evolving trends in Machining Technologies, Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (IMTMA) is organising the ‘International Seminar on Machining Technologies' on January 25, 2017 at BIEC, Bangalore, coinciding with IMTEX 2017 exhibition.
Organised every alternate year, this event is recognised as an international platform for global interactions on the latest trends in metal cutting. The seminar will focus on Machine Tools & Machining, Emerging Technologies, Tooling & Cutting Fluids, Control Systems & Metrology and Surface Finishing and will bring together the fraternity of machining technologies on a common platform to discuss related issues. On this platform, experts from renowned National and International companies and research institutes from Germany, Japan, Switzerland, UK, US as well as from India will share their expertise and latest developments in the field of Machining Technology.
The event will be attended by delegates from a wide cross section of the metal working industry Viz, automobile & auto components, consumer durables, machine tool, tool rooms, aerospace, defence & railways units, PSUs, pumps & valves, general engineering and other manufacturing industries.