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Hiring to grow by 10-15%: TimesJobs Survey

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 03 January 2017

Manufacturing amongst top employment generators

Wanted - Women Professionals: The focus on gender diversity will also continue to take shape in 2017, as highlighted by India Inc. in the Job Outlook 2016-17 study. Over 70 percent organizations plan to increase the ratio of women in their workforce. This is a significant 10 percent rise in employer expectations as compared to that in 2016, showing a heightened awareness of the gender diversity challenge faced by India Inc.

About 60 percent employers foresee a higher demand for women professionals at the middle level positions, 20 percent see maximum hires at the entry level while another 20 percent say they will hire women professional for CXO level leadership roles in 2017.

Techies to Rule the Job Market: Nearly 25% of organizations voted that IT would be the most sought after profile followed by another 20 percent organizations that feel the demand for sales, business development professionals and research and development profiles will rise considerably in 2017. About 15 percent organizations said that they expect marketing and advertising professionals to see maximum demand in 2017.

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