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Economy to perform better

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 02 November 2016

ASSOCHAM Bizcon survey sees government as the most important driver

The majority (55.6 percent) of the respondents feel that there is an increase in the sales volume during July to September 2016 and also expecting better sales volume during October to December 2016. However, 38.9 percent of the respondents feel that their profits may not change in the short term (October to December 2016). "The power to increase price on the part of producers and service providers would remain constrained till there is some more improvement in the consumer demand," Kanoria said.

In the short horizon, the survey indicates that there will not be any change in the employment scenario in the industry. As majority (55.6 percent) of respondents believe that employment condition will not improve in the coming days.

In terms of the wage costs scenario, the majority of the industry (44.4 percent) opines that in the July to September 2016, there is no change in wages costs. Going forward as well, majority of the industry respondents (50.0 percent) feel that the wage costs will not change in future also (October to December 2016).

As many as, 38.9 per cent respondents felt that there was an increase in the raw material prices. In the shorter horizon industry is not confident about the raw material price witnessing much movement.