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Tata Technologies opens new 8,700 sq ft technical lab

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 04 July 2016

Axia - VAVE Centre of Excellence will bolsters company’s full vehicle and machine development program capabilities

Tata Technologies Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Warren Harris said: "Axia - Vave Centre of Excellence is a response to the growing global demand for frugal engineering services. This enhances our ability to provide clients with innovative, clean-sheet solutions for minimising non-essential product costs and maximising intrinsic product value."

The Engineering Research and Development Centre is a place where the company's motto - Make it real. Make it better. - comes to life by enabling engineers to move from the virtual design space to real, physical vehicles and vehicle aggregates.

The company's technical staff will be able to study complex vehicle or machine systems in detail and get acquainted with new technologies. This R&D commitment by Tata Technologies looks ahead at the upcoming trend in innovation spend by automotive players, which is expected to grow significantly in the next few years.