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Report of Technical Committee on large scale integration of renewable energy launched

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 20 April 2016

The committee recommends 15 point action plan for facilitating large scale integration of renewable

The committee had extensive deliberations and has recommended several actions, such as bringing flexibility in the conventional generation, frequency control, generation reserves, ancillary services, forecasting, scheduling, deviation settlement mechanism, balancing requirement, data telemetry and communication, Renewable Energy Management Centres (REMCs), Transmission system augmentation and strengthening as well as certain compliance actions at renewable generation front.

The Committee has put forth a 15 point Action Plan for facilitating large scale integration of renewables in the country, in a secure and reliable manner. Some of the actions have been completed with active support of CERC, State Energy Regulatory Commission (SERC), NIWE and other stake holders. Regulatory Framework for Intra-State Settlement and Imbalance Handling has already been implemented in 5 states. For Model Regulations for Regulatory Framework for Forecasting, Scheduling and Imbalance Settlement for Renewable Energy (RE) generators have been published in Nov. 2015 and Draft regulations have already been floated by 6 States. Other States are in the process of formulation. Regulatory Framework for Reserves at inter-state level have been issued in Oct. 2015.