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India's debt at end Dec 2015 is US$ 480.2 billion

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 01 April 2016

Recording an increase of US$ 4.9 billion (1.0 per cent) over the level at end-March 2015.

Government (sovereign) external debt stood at US$ 90.7 billion at end-December 2015 while non-Government debt amounted to US$ 389.5 billion. The share of Government (Sovereign) and non-Government debt in the total external debt was 18.9 per cent and 81.1 per cent respectively, at end-December 2015.

The share of US dollar denominated debt continued to be the highest in external debt stock at 57.6 per cent at end-December 2015, followed by the Indian rupee (28.7 per cent), SDR (5.8 per cent), Japanese yen (4.1 per cent), and euro (2.3 per cent).

The ratio of concessional debt to total external debt was 8.7 per cent at end-December 2015 (8.8 per cent at end-March 2015).

India's foreign exchange reserves provided a cover of 73.0 per cent to the total external debt stock at end-December 2015 vis-à-vis 67.5 per cent at end-March 2015.

The ratio of short term external debt to foreign exchange reserves was 23.3 per cent at end-December 2015 as against 26.7 per cent at end-March 2015.

The complete quarterly report of India's external debt at end-December 2015 is available on the website of Ministry of Finance -