5. Mission Hundred: This mission will commission at least a hundred sidings in the next 2 years. The current siding/ PFT policy would be revised to elicit greater private participation. An online portal will be operated for accepting and processing all new applications, alongwith decentralization of powers.
6. Mission beyond book-keeping: It will establish an accounting system where outcomes can be tracked to inputs. This will transform IR as right accounting would determine right costing and hence right pricing and right outcomes.
7. Mission Capacity Utilisation: It proposes to prepare a blueprint for making full use of the huge new capacity that will be created through two Dedicated Freight Corridors between Delhi-Mumbai and Delhi-Kolkata scheduled to be commissioned by 2019.
Prabhu said that each of the Missions will be headed by a Mission Director reporting directly to the Chairman, Railway Board for a timely targeted delivery. They will be supported by officers from each Zone/Production Unit/RDSO/Centralised Training Institutes. Each Mission will have annual outcome based performance targets.