CD-adapco is a global engineering simulation company with a unique vision for Multidisciplinary Design eXploration (MDX). Engineering simulation provides the most reliable flow of information into the design process, which drives innovation and lowers product development costs. CD-adapco simulation tools, led by the flagship product STAR-CCM+, allow engineers to discover better designs, faster.
CD-adapco now has over 3,200 customers worldwide. Its software is currently used by 14 of the 15 largest carmakers, by all of the top ten suppliers to the aerospace industry and by nine of the ten largest manufacturers in the energy and marine sectors, according to a Company statement.
CD-adapco CEO and President Sharron MacDonald said, "I am pleased for both the employees and the customers of CD-adapco. The opportunities that come with the acquisition by Siemens are endless. The vision of our founders will be realized in the integration of these world-class engineering and manufacturing technologies and a business strategy that will allow engineering simulation to impact more products and companies than ever before."
CD-adapco is headquartered in Melville, New York, U.S., and has 40 locations worldwide. Siemens expects synergy impact on EBIT to be in the mid-double-digit million range within five years of closing, mainly from revenue. Closing of the transaction is subject to customary conditions and is expected in the second half of fiscal year 2016.
CD-adapco will be integrated into the PLM software business of Siemens' Digital Factory (DF) Division. "By adding advanced engineering simulation tools such as CFD to our portfolio and experienced experts in the field to our organization, we're greatly enhancing our core competencies for model-based simulation that creates a very precise digital twin of the product," said Anton Huber, CEO of the Digital Factory Division.