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Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum crosses 1 lakh registrations

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 21 December 2015

Path breaking step to promote ease-of-doing-business for MSMEs in India

The cumbersome filing of EM has now been dispensed with and the entrepreneurs in the MSME sector just need to file online, a simple one-page UAM on  to instantly get a unique Udyog Aadhaar Number (UAN). The information sought is on self-certification basis and no supporting documents are required at the time of online filing of UAM.

The UAM can be filed online by individuals themselves in case they have an Aadhaar Number. However, in all exceptional cases, including those of not having an Aadhaar Number, the UAM can be filed in offline mode (i.e. on paper form), with the General Manager (GM) of the concerned District Industries Centre (DIC).

Statewise breakup of the registrations can be seen here: